How about this:
The vote about whether or not the new gender minorities seat in student government should have been debated before it took place. On the college forums, the debate is taking place now and anyone interested in hearing both sides should look there. I have not seen a single reply that the students of the LGBT community do not deserve representation based on being members of said community. Wherever this stated ‘closeted homophobia’ on campus might be, I have not yet found it. The April 9 editorial illustrated perfectly what has already become one of the greatest problems facing not only this college, but the entire country. This problem is not the rights of “X” minority group, nor is it about apathy toward political duties. It is an unwillingness to genuinely understand and work with those who hold an opposing viewpoint. We are all to quick to vilify and slander the other side of a politically divisive issue in an attempt to discredit them rather than try to understand why they hold a certain belief. Real progress and needed social change arise out of open debate and understanding. Understanding is something the last issue's editorial made no attempt at before it implied that the 223 dissenting voters were simply bigots.
Better/worse? Still needs work?
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game.