Originally Posted by biznatch
Don't get a PS3. They never announce the newer GTA PC games before or around the launch of the console version, but eventually it just comes out. I am confident this one will eventually be sold for PC. Just be patient. Save 600 bucks and buy a real nice video card, to be able to handle this game when it comes out for PC.
Good points. Thing is, my PC is really ancient by todays standards and for any current game to run I will need to build a complete new system.
So I can either choose to buy a $600 console system or $2000 new PC.
Besides the price difference each option has their (dis)advantages, but the consoles have the advantage of a +/- 6 month advance on the GTA title ;-)
Seriously, I would really like a new PC and GTA is just the right reason (for me, my SO might think otherwise). Me considering a console (I've never really liked consoles) is more of a tribute to GTA than anything else...