i was going to walk away from this thread ...
dancer, yes (as in, i like to dance) ... grinder, no thx (and i think it's pretty tacky, usually).
buuuut... to offer a general female opinion/response to the topic...
Originally Posted by Rinndalir
Agreed, as long as the girl initiates it there shouldn't be a problem...
define 'initiate' ?
i'd be inclined to suggest a guideline of 'handgrab = initiate' ... anything else, don't necessarily assume ...
Originally Posted by Vincentt
I've had girls put their hands down there and grab... so, I am gonna say that some of them really like it.
In fact, most cases I think the girl enjoys the 'power trip.'
However, girls don't want to feel it unless they intended to bring it up.
Most girls say the creepiest thing about going to a club is feeling some strange guys cock rub up against them.
1. see 'initiate'.
2. power trip? hmm. seems a bit uncreative of a one, imho.
3. yes, thank you.
4. /nod
... in extreme cases, that can come to 'creepy enough to get your ass kicked'.. or close to it.
Originally Posted by willravel
Whether it's a problem really depends on the woman. As a rule, I keep things calm unless The Enterprise is actually needed, if you get my meaning.
- + - ° GiRLie GeeK ° - + - °
Therell be days/When Ill stray/I may appear to be/Constantly out of reach/I give in to sin/Because I like to practise what I preach