Is it just me or...
So i've started noticing a trend in a certain type of person that is equally interesting/fucking annoying. Basically, there is this type of person I've met on numerous occations, that all act in a similar way. I'm talking about those people who are always happy, agree with you, are super nice, etc. But ultimately when it comes down to it they use that kindness as an excuse to be so fucking selfish, hollow, etc, that its disgusting. They're so good at doing whats socially accepted that most people dont notice anything wrong. They're like all of the social outcasts you love to hate, the underdeveloped 40 year old virgins who cant figure it out for the life of them, the super intelligent fucks who love to talk about all of the AP credits they've aquired, etc,but see with these fucks they're just like any other down to earth person you've met. They're essentially normal, say normal things. But after you know them for a while their true colors come out. You see this shell they've created to protect themselves n you just have to walk away. They dont know how to disagree, to voice an opinion, to be something other than what they've seen on television, whats been programmed into their little heads since birth.
Flame on, and if any of these people im tlaking about would liek to voice their opinion (lol), then please do so, chances are if your on TF then you dont qualify anyways, if you are, you should be on facebook.
Le Berger, Le Mouton, Ce qui vous mangerait? Je ne sais pas. -let it all drop cause fuck it I guess we lost-
Originally Posted by tecoyah
...or I could just be drunk...cause I am.
<Danao>I am french so excuse my langage..
<Krost> ^^
<Krost> I'm American so excuse my president.