Originally Posted by braisler
I enjoyed seeing someone take the other side of the issue. It is so in vogue to hate Wal-mart. But it does give people jobs and it does give people low prices. I've always held the attitude that you don't have to shop there if you don't want to. It's just like watching TV and something comes on that you don't approve of... just change the channel, don't bitch about it.
First, Walmart does not have the lowest prices on everything in town. They have a documented tactic of luring customers in with low prices on some items, and then filling shelves with items priced comparably to the competition. They have created an image of rock bottom prices, but that's not always the case.
Then there are the (lack of) ethics in what Walmart does. I do not mean to imply they're alone in this, but they're pioneering in these business methods.
I would agree with the "if you don't like it, don't shop there" attitude, except big box stores like Wally World do affect us all. Besides running mom and pop stores out of business, they also drive industry out of this country. Jobs disappear, quality products disappear. Furthermore (and maybe to save the best for last?), stores like Walmart get money from the government directly and indirectly, which means they're taking money from us taxpayers. A large percentage of their employees are on welfare because of poor wages and insufficient health care options. So, we help Walmart make gobs of money while they crush this country's economy.