mental health care - what to expect?
So... this is awkward. Nobody, not even my wife knows about this, but I'm afraid that I might be on the verge of some sort of mental breakdown. Maybe its nothing to worry about, but maybe I should be checked out. Part of the problem is, I don't know how to begin or what to expect.
The feeling comes and goes, and varies in intensity. This morning was bad - I felt like I was going to throw up and start crying. Felt utterly hopeless. Now, I'm much better, but still not 100%.
So if I were to see someone about this, how would I go about it, what should I expect and how would I keep it a secret? My wife would NOT do well if she knew how I was feeling.
For those of you who are going to ask - my drug habits are as follows:
1-2 cups of cofee per day
0-1 beer per night
a couple hits of pot every six months to eight months
I'm afraid of someone deciding that I am suicidal or dangerous to myself and locking me up. I'm afraid that someone is going to prescribe a fist full of pills, and I'm going to end up as yet another person who is in a constant state of "getting off prozac" or whatever.
Who do I see? How much does it cost? I don't think I want my insurance company involved. How do I tell a quack from a pro? This is new and hostile territory for me.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.