Originally Posted by Prince
For those of you who are using Vista:
1. Are you happy with it?
2. Does it run at least as fast as XP did on your machine?
3. What are your system specs?
I am very interested in Vista, but I'm picky about performance. So I'm trying to find out about other people's experiences beforehand.
1. I guess.
2. It seems to run just as fast, if not faster.
3. Athlon 64 x2 4200+ with 1Gb of ram (I know...need more) and an Nvidia 7900 GS.
It's pretty and eventually, they'll (or I'll) work all the kinks out like XP, but until then...
I have Home Premium, which is nice and it certainly runs well. I had no problems setting it up. It starts up quick and seems to run just as fast, if not faster in some cases, as my "old" XP install did.
That being said, it's the little things that will annoy you.
A few things have been moved or renamed and there's a ton of redundancy built in (Under the system option in the control panel...two different "tasks" off to the left go to exactly the same dialog box with tabs. ) For some reason, everytime I insert my thumbdrive, Vista wants to format it and every disc I put in gets the "what would you like to do with this?" dialog box no matter how many check boxes or drop down menus I "fix." The UAC is annoying as all get out unless you turn it off, which the OS will then nag the hell out of you until you turn
that off. A few of my older programs require work-arounds and quite a few won't work at all.
But all that is fine. I expect to have to update most things when I make the switch; I expect some things to require a little work. The thing is the good isn't really enough to justify the hassle of the whole endeavor. To be honest, if I had not of spent the money and felt obligated to install Vista, I probably would have just stuck with my XP install and waited until I
had to upgrade. The eye candy is pretty, but it doesn't compare to Beryl on my Ubuntu install.
Edit..Oops, forgot..
The one thing that really bugs the crap out of me....My "old" photoshop doesn't seem to work with Vista, Adobe's response seems to be "screw you and upgrade, you obsolete ass" So unless I come into some money or run into an unscrupulous ,peg-legged scalywag from the sea who wants to sell me a copy..."cheap," I guess I'll be photoshop-less, which is a shame, because I was just starting to get the hang of it....really.