I had more of a tone than a look I think when I worked with my teenagers in the group home. I loved them to death-still miss and worry about more than a few of them, and they knew I thought of them as my kids, I think... but... they knew when not to mess with me.
I recall more than a few times a new kid would come to live there and would try to push his limits, and one of the others would say, "Dude, you don't get it... when she talks like that she means it..." or "When she gets that look you'd better just do it- she's not the one you want to piss off".
Right now with my son (8 months) I'm of course trying to establish his boundaries and he understands the "tone". When he reaches for something he's not supposed to have, he gets a "Uh uh uh uh uhhhh" . If it's something that's not safe, he gets a "no." Of course, those are in a different tone entirely than my normal voice with him- a little deeper, and a bit more serious. Then I pick him up and give him something he can play with, or put him somewhere that'll distract him from what he's doing and play for a bit.
He knows from across the room when I say either of those things- he'll pull his hand back from pulling on the window shades and look at me with a "does she mean it?" look. *sigh* *waits for teenagerdom*

Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly-Rose Franken
.... absence makes me miss him more...