What's it like living with it? How easily and quickly did you pick it up?
Not a big deal at all. My symptoms are like this...just before an outbreak, you get a VERY sensitive feeling where you are about to break out...for me (maybe too much info) it's a spot on my dick about the size of a quarter, about mid-shaft. When it starts feeling sensitive, I start taking Ecinachea. Since I started doing that, the whole process lasts maybe 3-5 days, sometimes a little more. Without anything, probably a week to 10 days. With a full-fledged outbreak, the sensitive area gets red over the next day or so, then the sores start popping out (similar to a water blister I guess I'd call it). The skin there is obviously very thin, so they don't stay in tact for long before they pop, then you develop a nice sore, which takes 3-5 days before it goes away.
With a shorter duration on Ecinachea, the sores never really get full blown, mine seem to stay about the size of the head of a pin, and therefore it takes a lot less time for them to go away.
This happens roughly every 2-3 months, if you get sick it happens more often, whenever you are really, really taxed & wiped out.
Like I said, we simply use condoms, it's not like you can't perform due to it, it's just a little distracting because there is some pain (I'd put it at a 2 on a scale of 10). On the plus side, the pain limits your sensitivity, therefore you last longer.
How easily did I pick it up? Well, after we had dated for probably 3 months I was 100% sure we'd get married, so we got a little careless. Although our only method of birth control was condoms, we had several times that we started with nothing. We never had unprotected sex when she was broken out, and she was always very up front with me. It was probably 6 months into the relationship when I came down with it the first time (and it was nasty sick when it did happen, other people I've talked to barely knew it was happening).
My advice would be this...if you do get into a sexual relationship, expect to pick it up no matter how careful you are. Be prepared to have something for life as a little "reminder" of the relationship, because once you have it, you can't get rid of it.
Personally, I consider it a minor inconvenience to my life. I have to be very careful around the kids when I'm broken out, I don't know any hard facts as to whether it's transmittable on fingers & such, but I sure don't want my kids to inherit it obviously. Aside from that, not a problem at all, there are several STD's out there that can cause much bigger problems (like warts for women) than what herpes does to you.
There's my two cents worth & a whole lot more...hope it helps.