I dated a girl who had them, she was very up front about it, and I'm thrilled I did. I wound up marrying her. Great story, but I'll deal with the inconveniences of herpes any day for the 15 great years & two kids we've had.
When I came down with them (you can get them any time you have unprotected sex by the way, a recent study said 70% of the people got them when their partner DID NOT have symptoms) I got sicker than I've ever been in my life, for about a week.
Since then, I break out 4-8 times per year roughly, her about the same. I actually found Ecinacea shortens my outbreaks of all things (I only take it when I feel like I'm coming down with a cold, but then had both at the same time, and bingo, 3 day outbreak).
A minor inconvenience yes, and a lot to think through before you go any further. You'll never know unless you try, but try & you might wind up with a lifelong disease. Tough cart to be in...good luck with your decision.
I guess the reason for my reply is just to let you know that if you do get them, it really won't change your life either way. If you're dating & have them, I can see that as a major downer, but I have no problem dealing with them. There are no other ill side-effects aside from some pain during an outbreak, and that's pretty minor. We still have sex when broken out, we just use protection so things don't get spread any more than they are. I thought long & hard (??) about it when she informed me, but I had a pretty good idea of where we were going right away.
Once again, good luck in your decision.