wow, I haven't been on this board for an AGE but my log in worked !
so, now to your issue. I posted about this way back when someone asked 'whos gonna fuck my deseased ass now' or something to that effect.
my situation was, after 3 years, I got HS2 from my gf who lied to me about having it. she lied cause she was too insecure and ahem, loved me too much to take a chance I'd leave.
well, we'd made it through 3 years w/o protection just fine. bj's and all. what happend was, one night she cut me with her tooth during a bj and then we screwed...yeah, it hurt some but we were on a roll, I didn't even mention it.
somehow we didn't transmit through harsh panties pushed aside abrasive lace scrubbing sex on many occasion.
but that cut was the thing that let it through. if I'd have known she had H, we could have stoped...but she hadn't told me and now we're all in the shit together.
for me, it was really tough..part of me wanted to kill her, but part of me felt so sad she'd held this secret for so long...that she was so insecure. whatever...this was 3 yearsinto a ten year relationship....after the infection happend, the sexual part of the relationship slowly died off...I must say her dishonisty slowly turned me off to her. trust is #1 so since your lady is up front, least you have trust and w/o that ya got ZIPPO !
from what I've read, H2 strongly prefers to live in the sex organs, NOT the mouth. very hard to trasmit genital to oral and if transmitted, outbreaks are extreemly uncommon. i.e after the first ob, it's very unlikely to ob again.
H1 seems actually worse to have...but it's way more common. cold sores are H
genital H or H2 is common too,lots of people have it and don't know. some are without any visible symptoms ever. but they can shed the virus...from the entire boxer short area so I'm arn't necessarily effective. like, the rubber dosn't cover past the shaft and her ob is just past that...
after having 3 years w/o transmission, I think you can have a relationship w sex and oral and be ok. but you gotta be awair and more careful. dont eat her during an ob of course. the rest of the time...try and was before you eat her.
if she'g got H1 too, don't get a bj while she's got a cold sore (an H1 ob)
here's a forum about H I read when I got it
some scarry stories, some not...a place to lurk through and find some links anyway.
if you do go for it and find long lasting'll see her go through an ob, you'll know what it's all about. different people react differently...I mean their bodies, but obs are stress related too so the mental aspect shurly plays a part.
for me...each year my body has built up more immunity to fight an ob. I have one about 1-2 times every 1-2 years. what I actually go through is...
itchy...then 3-6 little zits like pimpels...they open, they don't hurt they slowly close up and turn to regular scabs and flake off. then theres a dry spot...sorta chapped for a week while the current skin dies and flakes off.
the whole deal lasts about 14-20 days. during this time I'm a little extra tired and have sore muscles around my lower back and thighs.
sorry to get graphic...but that's how it works for me. your mileage may vary.
if I was back at square one would I have continued w/ my gf ? I doubt it but we didn't click 100% anyway. if I'd been with someone I did love 100% I'd seriously concider taking the risk. there is suposedly a vaccine I'm told. I haven't researched it cause I'm still...well...just now broke off with her :'( I care for her alot but I just don't feel like I want to as far as a mental connection is concerned. I did my best to make it work..ten frekin years.
anyway...I dunno if that helps you any in your thoughts. now I'm potentially on my own to seek a new woman and I don't know how that'll play out. I do know if I get even close to making out or whatever, I'll be fully up front about what I have. there's no way in hell I'll ever let someone walk into this w/o knoledge.
I think in reality, if it's really love, the safety issue will get lazy. but I also think it's not too tough to do the things needed to prevent transmission as best as possible. the hardest part is the mental block...the idea your junk is now corrupted for ever. it's a real bummer if you cant even jack off cause of an ob. off limits to your own damn self...never thought I'd see that day.
oh and I've never taken any of those drugs on tv and my ob's are mild. they are expensive...if you did get H it might effect your health inchurance too...I don't have any myself.
if you have a love that can overcome this...that'd be the best ever.