"The Look"And Other Methods of Control
I came in to the shoutbox this afternoon to read a conversation that had happened between two lovely ladies here at the TFP. One of them mentioned being able to control a child in her life by employing "the Look."
Do you use "the Look" with your children, or did you? Did you find it to be useful?
Personally, I find the Look to be fairly effective. It shows the kids I care for that they know I mean what I say. They're compliant when the Look gets thrown out there. Of course, one can only use the Look when they really mean it.
What are some downsides to the Look, you think? Do children comply with the Look out of fear of the consequences post-Look?
What other methods similar to the Look do you use with your children?
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau