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Old 03-15-2007, 02:10 PM   #13 (permalink)
Originally Posted by JinnKai
I don't understand being an atheist and wanting to provide your children any religious education beyond the general information. While you think you might being more "open-minded" by exposing them to Christianity, what about others religions? You're implicitly telling her that those aren't important.

I'd go with honesty about your beliefs. If she feels the need for a Divine Being, your belief will not prevent it.
I agree with you. However, we live in the United States which is without a doubt a Christian-dominant country. She is more likely to have questions about the Christian God rather than Buddha or Vishnu.

It will be up to ME to tell her that other religions can be just as valid as Christianity--when she is OLDER. This is part of the problem at the moment. She's asking questions about God and in the course of my answer I start talking about other religions etc. Before I know it, I've confused her even further.

That's MY problem.

Just because I am atheist doesn't mean that I don't acknowledge the validity of the God argument.

As far as your last statement, what I'm trying to prevent is what Will touched on above. I don't want her to use religion as a form of rebellion. I've already been honest with my beliefs. I have told her I don't believe in God.
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