I understand the idea of paying to play, the servers are extremely expensive especially with a game such as this which will be broadcasting data like crazy but I don't like the idea of paying for a game that I've already bought. That's why I probably won't buy this one, though I would really like too. I mean, the graphics and the idea are phenominal and for a fan of Star Wars it is heaven but I don't think I could dedicate money in such a way, and because I tend to purchase quite a few games having to pay for a game I've already bought will take a toll on my gaming budget.
If this game supported single player missions and/or servers like those we use in FPS games I would buy it in an instant, I'd be a fool not too, however this would remove the astoundingly large scale at which this game gathers it's name "Galaxies".
Last edited by Mr.Deflok; 04-21-2003 at 01:02 AM..