I asked my mom, and she said she hates this place because it's so boring. We moved here two years ago to pay for in-state tutition, and this place has no culture at all. (I won't give away the location) But, when I suggest joining a club or something, she says "I'm not doing anything with these stupid people. Why would I want to be friends with these idiots when we aren't going to stay here long?" (as soon as I graduate, she's moving back w/ her family)
I think the main problem is I struggle to respect my parents. They have not had any friends during my lifetime, (my dad's admitted he hasn't had a friend in 30 years); they have nothing in common with eachother; all my dad does is work and drink; and again, my mom focuses on material things, pets, and TV. And yet, they don't really show signs of depression. Granted, the having no friends, not wanting to go outside, not wanting to get involved, saying they'll do things but never doing them, not taking great care of themselvse, or the sticking with eachother for no logical reason seem like indicators for a problem.
But, I've brought it up many times, and all it gets me is my dad getting hysterical, saying I have no respect for them and demanding I move out. Or, (usually after that cools down), I get a lecture on how they love eachother and are happy. That's fine, but how am I supposed to respect them? I try to think positive, but then I see them complaining about ridiculous things. Every time I come home, their negativity and tension rubs off on me, someone who's learned their avoidant social personality.