Yeah since it is still so fresh my emotions are not completely stable yet. I keep going back and forth as to try to be friends or just let her go with no contact.
I am going to focus on my school, graduating, finding the right job, then finding the right place to live for myself. I don't really plan on dating much until i have those goals accomplished.
I talked to her earlier today and she was not sure how she wanted to proceed. She said basically that she would keep me if i could do the open relationship so that she might be weak if we were to see each other as friends. I think the best thing to do even though it will be really hard, is to just not contact her for now. She has a birthday coming up in April, so I an just send a simple email wishing her happy birthday then. If she responds fine if not well then back to focusing on me and moving forward.
Thanks for the responses,
It really helps to vent here.