Originally Posted by pan6467
Just a quick paranoid question.... ummmmm who would prosecute the officials in charge, if Bush decides to call Martial law and dismiss Congress or not have the '08 vote?
With 71% of the country disliking him, if he tries to stay in office after '08 that's a quick ticket to revolution.
Plus, who's going to prosecute say Halliburton for war profiteering? Just one example.
Whether the real prosecutors are replaced or not, Halliburton probably was not going to get prosecuted.
Things like this are very scary and the sad thing of it is, people still support this man. What does he have to do, to get even his staunchest supporters to say enough?
Look, only 29% of Americans approve of him right now. That's actually a pretty encouraging number believe it or not. Even Hitler had SOME people who approved of him up to the very end, and while Bush is a moron and an anti-American who's attempting to shred the constitution, he's not as bad as Hitler. Fact is, no matter how bad a person is, SOMEONE will always like them. Hell Ted Bundy had women sending him marriage proposals while he was on death row for murdering 40 other women. We can't throw up our hands in despair because a few people still support this idiot - that's just to be expected.