Originally Posted by hagatha
Somehow i feel like there's more to this story than we're being told. And if we could hear the other side of it, I'm sure its about more than her perceived need for stuff.
Hagatha, I agree.
The thing is this story appears way too one-sided. And it's pretty easy for people to jump on the side of the presenter. I mean, as presented, this "issue" is fairly cut and dried. Would anyone even need to ask for support for having such a shallow girlfriend, who cares only for material items to keep up with her friends?
Or is it the kind of situation where everyone's getting a $45-ish corsage for their prom date, and you pick one of *her* flowers on the way to her doorstep because you spent your extra cash on a PS2 game of the week....
The repeaded theme here is "How do I appear to not be cheap", vs. "What should I do so I don't hurt my gf/embarass her/etc."
"She gives the best, and wants the same" Are we talking diamonds here? Or something else? Does "the best" to her mean the best money can buy, or does she simply have standards (won't buy day-old bakery goods to bring to a party kind of thing).
The OP really needs to provide more in-depth input.