Working out what 1 cent of gas price on a tank works out to is useful. It makes you realize you should go to the less busy of the two gas stations on the corner sometimes.
Of course, in town there is "the most expensive gas station" on one of the high-class roads. I went there once (my tank was getting close to empty, and I didn't plan ahead) -- full service, and the full service costs 10% more than anywhere else. But you get rather skilled and personable workers -- while I was there, someone dropped off a box of donuts for the gas station crew.
(Island Park in Ottawa, if curious)
Originally Posted by ngdawg
I work for a national department store. An example of the mind games they play: Towels. 'Regular' price-$7.99. Sales on this particular towel range from 50% off to 3 for $10.00 to Buy one, get one free. In 14 months, I have never seen them at 'regular price', ever. The 'BOGO' is a true scam-you're made to feel obligated to get that second one or pay the jacked-up 'regular' price for one.
In at least some juristictions, perma-sales are illegal. At least some fraction (I forgot if it was case law or legislation) of the time, the good must be availiable to be bought and not-on-sale.
The trick to avoid this is, of course, have 3 products that are pretty close to identical, and rotate which is on sale. This generates an additional benefit -- people who are
not price sensative pick which of the 3 products they prefer, and ignore the 50% off. (ie, 3 sets of towels with different weave patterns/sizes/colours)
Dawg, note that I don't want to be called 'hon' by wait staff. It annoys me. So do the little smiley faces on the bills. Note that I'm anomolous -- last I checked, a female putting the smiley face on gets more tips -- but that kind of reaction might explain the lower tips for the 'hon' lady. Either that, or you are prettier.