More often then not no one really understands my sense of humor.
I think beating a hooker to death with a phone so you don't have to pay for the blow you just got is funny. Most people find that gross, wrong, and morbid.
I'm used to living my life in my own head. If I offend someone, I just go about my day as if nothing happened.
In your case, don't sweat it. She's most likely not really that into you and just wanted someone she could bitch about her life too. I hate people like that. Where no matter what you're talking about they always turn it back to them and how screwed up their relationship with their mother is or how cute their kids/dog/cat/boyfriend is. I couldn't fucking care less that your mom wasn't their for you after your father cheated on her with your best friend from high school and is now doing 25 for beating a hooker so he didn't have to pay her. (God that's funny.) I like simple relationships with friends. We meet for drinks, have fun, I hit on your girlfriend, roll a homeless guy for his shopping cart, have a good night sleep, and do it all again tomorrow. Nothing fancy. Why do people feel they have to share everything with me? Don't ask me how my day was. I'm not gonna actually tell you. I'm just gonna make something up about seeing this little kid get slapped by his mother in the grocery store. And I know the only reason people ask that fucking question is cause they have a story to tell and they don't wanna just come right out and tell it. Leave conversation to what it should be. Talking about sports, booze, and how many times you fucked that chick last night before you told her you had herpes.
heavy is the head that wears the crown