I will risk outing myself as a fruitcake and admit that I used to get dreams like this. I absolutely can't explain it, but there were about 10 of them in a short time period that "came true". Most of them were of absolutely no significance, I had no control over them, they all happened within a 1-2 year time frame and they haven't happened since. I've only ever tried telling someone about them once, because I realize it sounds totally crazy. In each case, there was a snapshot image or occurrence in the midst of other dream-style randomness that later ended up happening. I know what you mean about odds, Darth_Kettch, but these things were very specific. The short version of a long example is that I inherited this ring when a relative passed away. I dreamed that I found it under a chair, broken in three pieces. In real life, maybe a week later, I pulled my hand out of my pocket and noticed my ring was gone. I'm sure you know the punch line: It was in my pocket, in three pieces. Maybe subconsciously I knew my ring was fragile, etc. Who knows? It's tough to attribute the subconscious to all of my experiences though. All I can tell you is that these things happened enough to really make me think about it. I wrote them down a long time ago because I knew that in the future I'd think that I'd imagined it.
Anyhow, I have no explanation. I can only vouch for such experiences and offer my self-declared sanity for authenticity.
I've done some recreational thinking about the assumption that time is linear, parallel universes, etc.