Thanks, crazybill, I appreciate it. I didn't think I could get an inspection done in PA for a WA licensed car... I mean, sure they can inspect it, but will it "count" for PA? I just wonder.
I suppose I can take the car in to check the adjustment, in case it's that easy. I'm glad to see that the clutch rats have stopped making their noise, since that was really odd for a few days.
The only other issue that has come up is we had a massive snow and ice dump yesterday, so not only is the car completely filthy, I had to squirrel it around in its outdoor parking spot to get it out of the snowbank that surrounded it (after shoveling as much as I could)... and I noticed that after speeding up, the steering wheel/alignment(?) had a slight shudder. I think that's new... just since the snow storm... so I'm worried that I got something out of place when I jockeyed it out of the snow. Uggh.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran