I really don't think $2000 for an eight year old car with less than 100k miles in decent shape is asking too much. However with the park brake not working right and the cracked windshield, and not having a current state inspect that can give someone a reason to lowball you. How much does a state inspect cost? We don't have them in Colorado, but working for an extended warranty company I deal with shops all the time that do state inspections, and the state inspection is basically a license to upsell. It might be worth paying to have one done since any technician doing one will find anything and everything that is wrong with your vehicle. Coming out of a state inspect with a clean bill of health will give a buyer fewer reasons to lowball you. As far as the park brake, it may be a matter of adjusting the rear brake shoes and park brake cables, which should only cost $35 or so, or it could be more serious. I know people say you shouldn't spend money fixing up a used vehicle for sale, and there is truth to that, but at the same time it may be worth spending a $100 or so if it can help you get an extra $3-400 out of the vehicle.