Shakran... aren't there 3-4 different KBB values, depending on the *condition* of the car? I saw $2900 for an excellent condition car, $2500 for good, and I'd guess around $2000 for fair. I thought those prices took into account the need for repairs, considering "condition" and all. Maybe I am just wrong.
So I don't need to worry about the plates, that's good. But it also means it has not been inspected in PA this year, which is bad. :P
desal... we bought this car new in 1999 for close to $12,000... and I'm not trying to get a quarter of that, I'm trying to get 1/6 of that which I think is reasonable with 89K and 8 years. Maybe I'm just wrong.
I'd like to post again above $2000 but with the intent of selling it around $1800-$2000... does that sound fair yet?
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran