Originally Posted by matthew330
Elphaba, as far as I'm concerned - you are the news, and you should be proud of yourself. Interesting options: Bush has either willingly conceded his position, or Cheney has given him the boot, and taken them from him.
That's a toughy - let me mosey my way over to the titty board and I'll get back to you, cause this is gonna take some serious consideration.
Matthew, there is something going on with you that might be best handled via pm, rather than a threadjack. Your issues with me really don't need to be played out within a topic, not of your making.
Originally Posted by dc_dux
IMO, the conservative Repub looming in the shadows for '08, and the one the Dems would fear most, is Newt Gingrich.
dc, why do you believe that Dems should fear Newt? I would think the GOP would fear Newt running for president. His heavy handed behavior as Speaker cost the GOP another four years of Clinton, in my opinion.