I had to check to make sure this wasn't "The Worst Place You've lived in Canada" Y'all are not painting a pretty picture, and this Hamilton place is fucking off the map as I'm concerned.
The worst place I've lived was an apartment in Urbana IL. My roommate did not help - at all - after having lived with his mother until he was 24, thus having no concept of cleaning after himself or being responsible. One of those old houses that had been cut up into apartments, and I'd be surprised if it had been inspected. One of the walls in the kitchen was plugged with what appeared to be the top of a styrofoam cooler. The previous tenant had been involved in a fight with the landlord, and left a mess which wasn't completely cleaned when we moved in. Honestly, the roommate was the bigger problem. Given the $$$ it was costing (cheap), the place was livable. The situation brought on by the lazy ass roommate was what made it untenable. I moved out three months early, and ate the rent to do so. That was the proverbial straw; no more roommates for el pigglet until he settles down, if he settles down. And in that case, I'd prefer a duplex