I'm gonna have to agree with Hagatha.
Did you see any laser rifles? No. Flying cars? No. Robots? No. The major futuristic aspects of this movie come from the LCDs all over the place, which make sense due to the recent explosion of LCD technology in our time. This is a realistic take on 20 years from now and I love it.
I was under the impression that that fact was supposed to be indicative of the very real possibility of such a scenario not so much in the distant future but only a few years from now and while one can certainly appreciate their attention to detail in terms of the technology - there were too many parallels that the movie could've drawn between that time and now that would've afforded the movie an extra element of realness and while the general themes of restricted movement and excessive gov't control were present it's almost as if they started out with the intention of being thought provoking and settled on shell schocking.
It was a good movie but could've been so much better.