Here I am in outer western Sydney - St Marys. I have all the ingredients to make me a fine bogan - Harley, tattoos, guns ( I shoot pistol, rifle and shotgun matches)
and a 'number 1' haircut. Used to have the regulation goatee, but then I joined the Army reserve, and they'll only let you have a mo, and, as all real men know, a moustache is gay.
Self employed plasterer, learning to fly helicopters and small planes (bloody expensive!), I haven't been trapped into marriage and hopefully never will,
though I have come close a couple of times. Go to the gym three times a week - not trying to be an Arnie, just keepin' it trim. Not into the footy. At all. Of any variety.
Since the Oz forum disappeared many moons ago I just lost the vibe for coming here.
ominous adj.
Menacing; threatening. Of or being an omen, especially an evil one.