There is a strong similarity between the physical states of sexual arousal and "fight or flight". Both are caused by the sympathetic nervous system and are all about "turning up" physical responses and sensations. So, it's completely understandable that the two might get paired up for some people.
I think there's "fun" fear (the kind in a scary movie or on a roller coaster, where there's no REAL danger) and then there's "real" fear (someone has a gun to your head, your car is out of control, you've fallen into the lion enclosure at the zoo). "Fun" fear can be exciting and erotic. I'd be surprised if "real" fear made anybody too horny.
Originally Posted by Sharon
Is there a good reason why horror is often tied to eroticism in movies?
Because both things sell movies.
Originally Posted by Sharon
Personally, I think there is a very strong link. I find films which tie the two together a huge turn on, and generally if a guy wants to get me in bed, all he has to do is invite me over to watch a horror film... my heart is thumping, my breathing is affected, and I do NOT want to sleep alone that night.