Originally Posted by Elphaba
One warning I would offer after setting up her new computer is that compatibility with other devices (her printer) and software (her spyware) are going to be an issue. I wouldn't be in a great hurry to get Vista until it is more broadly compatible across the board.
"Would you like a Vista compatible printer with that $25 USB cable?"
Yep, the first few (6) months are best limited to new system purchases, gluttons, and support/development. Drivers will arrive but right now it's ugly. Many older peripherals are to be orphaned. It's up to users to start calling vendors. Make noise. (even if you don't have Vista yet.)
One of my customers bought new boxes this week (didn't ask me) and can't use them with most of their office and field equipment. They're talking about running illegit XP until driver availability improves. I didn't hear that. (Whoops.)