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Old 02-02-2007, 05:14 PM   #13 (permalink)
That's what she said
dirtyrascal7's Avatar
Hmm... I didn't really mean for this to become a debate about what lawsuits are justified. Rereading my initial post, I realize that I didn't frame the basic idea very well. What I was hoping to discuss was society's obsession with playing the "victim" role. Whether it results in a lawsuit or not doesn't really matter, but it seems to me that more and more people are pointing the finger of blame towards someone besides themselves.

To try and steer this thread away from the lawsuit debate, here are some other examples...

-- Someone blaming their tardiness on traffic.
-- Those cases you read about where some killer blames their actions on violent video games or movies.
-- Someone blaming their unhappiness or unfortune at work on their boss.
-- Nearly every couple going through a divorce, blaming the other spouse.

I could sit here all night and think of examples, they are literally everywhere you turn... everyone, my self included, blames some exterior factor for their problems and challenges. Why? Sure, it might get you out of trouble here and there... but that only teaches us that it's okay, and it's not.

The point is, I believe the world would be a much better place if people were humble enough to accept responsibility for their situation and be proactive in working through or around these problems. We may not always be able to choose what happens to us, but we CAN always choose our reactions and responses.
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