Originally Posted by absorbentishe
Too many lawyers, period. The McD's lawsuit with the old lady and the hot coffee really started the trend. I'm sure there were others, but that made national headlines. Since then, I think everyone is looking for a way to get money for nothing...
Gotta say, this is real typical. Blame the lawyers. Everyone picks on the lawyers. Lawyers are scum. . .well. . until YOU need one.
The Jazz has it right. That McD's had its coffee too hot. In fact, Jazz didn't mention this but that particular store had been warned on several occasions by health inspectors that their coffee was too hot. They'd been told to stop serving it that hot. They ignored those warnings, and refused to cool the coffee down.
Had the coffee been at the proper temperature, the woman's injuries wouldn't have been nearly as severe. So yes, this lawsuit was completely justified.
But it sure is fun to pick on the lawyers when you don't bother to learn the facts, isn't it?