Originally Posted by Mantus
My advice is that next time don't try to solve the problem or make her feel better. Just shut up and listen,
This is the best advice I think. Men try to fix things. We usually can't and we make it worse. It is an irrational emotional outburst, so don't expect a rational response to solve anything.
Other than that, I would even venture to say that she is afraid to show this part of her, because its seen as a weakness. Others have said she may be looking for an out, but I don't necessarily believe that. I think she feels vulnerable in this area and that her way of defending herself is just not the best way to go about it.
Advice would be to deliberately show you care for her, without mentioning the tests. Don't say "I'll still care about you if you do poorly" or anything in that vein. Just make it a non-issue, unless she brings it up, then just Listen.
Best advice I have without knowing you two personally. Take it with a grain of salt.