Originally Posted by d*d
My main problem with religion, is the idea that belief in one particular religion automatically negates another- how can you faithfully give yourself to one religion knowing it's the right one usually just down to the geography of where you've been born,
I grew up assuming that my mom couldn't be wrong (I was brainwashed about religion, not just educated,) and questioning the infallibility of my religion led me to ask whether I really believed or just accepted what I was told. I asked myself exactly what you asked, and concluded that I would have believed anything I was told if it were taught in the same way that I was. I ended up with the opinion that if thousands of different groups all claim to be the absolute truth, the most likely answer is that none of them are.
I now hold a basic constructionist view that belief is what you make of it and what is taught to you by society, and nothing more. The strong religious upbringing led me to reject religion entirely.