Originally Posted by clavus
A picture of a guy dining on an endangered species? Hmmm... maybe not. A logo does not have to encompass everything about the company. Look at the logos for Apple, Hertz, Ford, Pepsi, etc. See what you can do with a bit of type and some color.
i know what you mean, ok cool. i'll try a few tests like this but i still want it to be recognizable.
OR.... how about this. You know those international symbol signs you see in airports and whatnot. No words, but you know what they mean. Do something in that style. Make it look like an informational sign, and the pictuer is a leaf with a fork shape in negative space inside the leaf.
that was my 1st idea of making it a symbol. but aparently they seem to want colours so i'm looking for something a bit more 3d. less 2d-black.
Seaking of logos and vectors. I made a logo in PS by scanning a sketch and coloring it in. It is a photoshop file now. Can I save it as vector art, or do I need to start over? Here is a jpg of the rough draft -
ok, if you did it in photoshop, it's not vector. unless you used the pen tool and even then, it still sucks. i used your picture in INKSCAPE and in 10sec, i had a vectorized image. (it's an automatic process.with a ton of option.) see attachment. 1st = plain black, 2nd = i changed the fill to a gradient with a black border. and 3rd shows the control points that makes it a vector image.
cool eh?