Originally Posted by analog
I don't know why the word "consent" is being bandied about so much... there's no such thing as "consensual sex" with an 11 year old. Every time I see, "consensual or not" or "whether or not she seemed to consent to it", i have to cringe. There's no such thing. The reason they cannot consent is specifically because just saying "yes" does not mean they understand what they're doing. They may think it's the best thing in the world, but that doesn't mean they understand what's being done to them. That's why there is no consent, and it is bad to use terms like "even if she said it was ok".
Absolutely, I couldn't agree further, thats the entire theory behind having a
statutory rape charge. Consent doesn't exist here in Canada until 14, and I believe even that is slightly young, I think 16 is definitely what it should be. This sickens me beyond belief, I mean fuck my little sister is 11. This is absolutely terrible. Sick bastards.