Originally Posted by Elphaba
Chavez is using the nationalized oil revenues to improve the lives of the poor, and for that he is considered a hero by the majority of the populace. If he couples this with education and the creation of jobs, he may create a viable middle class which I believe is essential to a functioning democracy. That strategy would strengthen the country, rather than "ruin" it.
The oligarchy that Venesuela once was only enriched the very few and left everyone else in poverty.
Is it possible to enact reforms that are supported by all classes of people, or do you think class warfare (rich vs. poor) is the only option?
What do you think will happen when the current group of the most skilled and educated leave the country?
How do you see the revolution and current conditions in Cuba compared to what may happen in Venesuela since Chavez often uses Cuba as a role-model?
Are there lessons the USA can learn from Chavez's approach to wealth re-distribution?