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Old 01-24-2007, 07:09 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: Iceland
Originally Posted by hagatha
My mother is very emotionally reliant on me and panics if she thinks I'm not available.
Yep, same here. My mom is freaking out this morning because I did not e-mail or call her yesterday. She has been clingier than ever since I got married... it is really sad to me, since she was doing so well before that. Uff, sometimes I wonder if I even want to have children, if there is any potential to become so attached to/dependent on them to the point where you have no life of your own.

And I agree with you that it's not just only children... I guess in my experience, multiple siblings have always worked together in some way or another to help their parents, even if it's just financial support pooled together. But I recognize that not all families are that way. I suppose I figure that if I had more siblings, this responsibility wouldn't be so heavy on me... but maybe it would be the same, as you say Hagatha.

Charlatan, I hear you on the living abroad thing. My mom is constantly scared that ktspktsp is going to "haul me off" to Lebanon (as if I have no choice in the matter?), even though I've told her that there's a greater chance we'd be in France or Iceland long-term, instead. And, she could come live with us, if it came to that. But she seems unwilling to relocate, even though her own mother did it for her... (from Thailand to Seattle), which seems fundamentally selfish to me. Yet she says that I am selfish. I just don't see how to solve this right now.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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