Originally Posted by Manorfire
For me, the current purpose of state education here in Britain, is to create an illusion of equal opportunity, while ignoring freedom of opportunity. It's not meant for the individual - the empty vessel - but to give mass immunity against flagrant ignorance. This 'conformity training' means you've no 'excuse' for pissing on the pavement or a career in Burger King...you were given the chance to learn.
("I never let my schooling get in the way of my education." - Mark Twain)
It is very much the same in Australia as Britain, as alot of governing decisions seem to be.
Originally Posted by Manorfire
Etarip: Problem is, what society wants out of life is so damn expensive.
Indeed it is, in so many ways. And the effects on the entire globe are getting quite apparent. If we continue under this paradigm we could quite easily destroy ourselves and even the entire planet.
Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
Part of education has always been to socialize(indoctrinate)the young, right?
Enlightenment might be a personal responsibility.
Enlightenment wouldnt be enlightenment without you personally striving for it i suppose? which possibly adds to the suggestion that it is our responsibility, it certainly seems to be in current society. However the indoctrination aswell as bombardment of the senses that occurs from a young age is a substantial obstacle that has been set in place and refined for many years if not decades (if not life times?) and severely hampers the chances of the individual. They are constantly focused on the outside and a standard of conformity that they mustn't step outside of for fear of ridicule or discomfort, having little to no time to look inward bar examining whether they satisfactorily meet the shallow standard. The discovery of self is ground to as much of a halt as possible except for the development of emotions that will further implicate them within the control of the system, such as greed (leading to debt and being at the mercy of the system or leading to purely material pursuit.)
Ive just finished my 13 years of endoctrination and am looking at university, Im not sure why im subjecting myself to more of the endoctrination, but im trying to follow interests within it, and i suppose of course i'm also looking to try "set myself up to live reasonably easily" So i can continue to pursue my life at my own pace. However it does appear there is substantial benefit in being introduced to the idea of indoctrination at some point during your schooling so that if you havent already awoke to the feeling you may atleast think about it for a moment and review it against your experience (unless you are beyond the point of doing something like that i suppose).
I think im begining to lose track of my thoughts and begining to move across the line into rambling, so i will stop now and attempt to collect my thoughts and contemplate further.
Anyway, till next time.
P.s Im glad i found this forum, it is quite thought provoking and interesting. Hopefully things i come to say may be of some intellectual benefit (although that may not occur
