Originally Posted by Elphaba
Kristen, I had to tell my last boyfriend that I wasn't his "mommy" and you might want to consider telling your boyfriend the same. As an aside, that boyfriend is my husband of 28 years and he does all of the cooking and cleaning now. It is a good division of labor between us.
100/0 doesn't sound like a good division of labor to me maybe to the one who has to do nothing it's lovely but as 3rd person doesn't sound like a good split. If it loves it so much sure it's not because he doesn't like the way you do it. I have a friend who does all the cooking and clean and making the money while his wife spends the money, watches the kids, and engages in whatever activities she wants but he does it this way because he doesn't like her cooking and she's god awful at cleaning and too lazy to find a job and just makes the excuse that she doesn't want her kids to be babysat.
I believe in equal division of labor, if one works and the other doesn't then the one who is at home while the other is working should do things like clean or cook. If you both work then you both need to partake in cleaning and cooking. As far as the original post it may seem stone age but as much as guys like having a girl take care of em, we all know girls like the guys to make money to spend on them and to do work for them.