Look, I'm not looking for some massive psychoanalytic breakdown of all the factors that make you what you are. I am just wondering what the major influences are on people's expressions and opinions... the things or events that form a person's worldview. Was not intending whatsoever to "reduce" people down to a list of adjectives... give me a break.
For me, those things boil down to a handful of things... and yes, there are a ton of other minor influences, but I can say that most of my opinions are informed by the things that I mentioned earlier. 10 years ago, the major things were very different for me, and my opinions were drastically different as a result. My identity was in flux for a good number of years, but I feel like it's finally settling down some... and yes, I can use some words to describe those things. That's all.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran