I am looking forward to seeing how the Democrats handle this. Do you think they will look at contracts and expenditures that occured during Clinton's admin? Why or why not?
Ace..if you understand the roles of a Congressional oversight committees and particularly the Govt. Operations/Reform Committees in both the House and Senate, you would understand that the oversight is appropriately focused on
current and existing policies, practices, regulations, etc.
To determine whether laws and programs addressing subjects within the Committee’s jurisdiction are being implemented and carried out in accordance with the intent of Congress and whether they should be continued, curtailed, or eliminated, the Committee must review and study on a continuing basis:
• the application, administration, execution, and effectiveness of laws and programs addressing subjects within the Committee’s jurisdiction;
• the organization and operation of federal agencies and entities having responsibilities for the administration and execution of laws and programs addressing subjects within the Committee’s jurisdiction.....
Committee jurisdiction and oversight responsibilities.
There is little to be accomplished by focusing on past wrong-doing, other than in an historical context, in which case LBJ probably represents the worst case scenenario of political cronyism and war profiteering.
Brown & Root co-founder George Brown (left) with President Lyndon B. Johnson. LBJ's ties to the Brown brothers dated back to his days as a Texas congressman.