Originally Posted by kaptain_kwanza
DOES IT EVER OCCUR TO ANYONE THAT WE ARE NOT PERFECT, WHERE AS JESUS WAS?!?! everyone likes to leave that fact out when they try to compare a normal, fallable human being to the Son of God. just remember next time when you see a christian do something completely opposite of what Christ would have done; they are only human.
I think, kaptain, that the point is not the fact that your everyday garden variety Christian cannot walk on water. (Except in New Jersey) Or that they cannot turn water into wine. The point, I believe, is that many self-proclaimed "Christians" operate in a manner that is completely contrary to the teachings of Christ.
Are we fallible? Certainly yes. Do we/will we slip? Most definitely. These things are given. What is being brought into play here is the everyday actions and attitudes of those that profess to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.
But, then again...what do I know? I am an Atheist.