Originally Posted by aceventura3
You say my head is in the sand, but you seem to think that $45 for a case of coke was actually $45 for a case of coke.
I know that everyone who disagrees with you eventually turns into a big blur, but I was actually not the person who said that. Of the things Haliburton has been accused of doing, that's the one I can sort of see their side of. It's not like a big red coke truck can run between the Baghdad airport and the Green Zone. So let's not put words in my mouth, hm?
Originally Posted by aceventura3
I ask the question, how do you account for doing business in war torn Iraq? That is a legit question. I don't like it, but I don't ignore the realities of doing business in undesirable places. If Haliburton is doing what needs to be done, perhaps the government should not have put the company in that position rather than making politically charged statments.
I don't understand that last sentence. Nonetheless:
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Haliburton lobbies congress as does every other major corporation. If your position is that government is incompetent, why blame Haliburton? Why not hold congress accountable.
We did. They were called
Midterm Elections. Much of the anti-Republican (really anti-Incumbent) backlash was from America being sick and tired of lobbyists running the government. That's really all that's happening here.
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Haliburton controls the government? O.k...., yea right.
Scoffing doesn't constitute evidence or argumentation.
Can you deny that
the company that has most been accused of war profiteering has a former CEO in the White House? Can you honestly say that the money they've pumped into congresspeople's re-election campaigns has been because they're friendly and helpful?
Haliburton has been given massive and overloaded no-bid contracts on the whole war-rebuild effort. Is that because there's no competition? Or is it because they're the most favored firm of their type? And if it's because they're the most favored... why do you think that might be?