Originally Posted by willravel
Exactly. Laws are support to exist to protect and serve the individual and common good of the society. There is no benifit to keeping immigrints out.
Let's see--the "immigrints" flood our emergency rooms for routine medical care, and our L&D wards for free childbirth. Not to mention sonograms and a variety of other treatments. Then the children (and that is ALWAYS plural) go on government aid for the next 18 years.
Hospitals have to make their costs up somewhere, so they jack their fees to the sky. Then health insurance premiums go up 10% a year.
People like Kutulu (meaning LEGALS, without insurance) certainly don't get free care when they need to use a hospital. Employers can no longer afford to offer it to their legal workers. Thus, the hue and cry about the uninsured (that great Satan, Wal-Mart, will be to blame somehow) is started again, and jobs are lost to other countries where costs are lower, due in part to nonexistent or abysmal medical care. The loss of jobs here will, of course, be blamed on Bush.
I thus maintain that legal workers here would certainly "benifit" from lowered health insurance premiums resulting from fewer illegal workers in the US.
Oh, and who should pay the taxes to provide the government aid, increased costs of schools, and the like? According to mindsets like yours, the solution (as always) will be to tax "the rich" at 90% or above. And wonder why those same "rich" don't want to do "their fair share." The only fair thing, of course, is to forbid anyone from checking to see if the children receiving a free education from our taxpayers are entitled to it. Don't forget, if they want to go to college, they don't pay out of state tuition like our citizens must. At least in California--I'm not sure about the rest of the US.
I can hardly wait to hear (again) that illegals pay taxes. No one has ever explained to my satisfaction WHAT taxes they pay at their income levels.
Thank God the Democrats are heading up both houses now. Why, in one day, they've lowered the price of oil. Oh, and the thought of them being in leadership positions has prevented Bush from starting any more hurricanes this year.
I sure feel safe with Democrats running congress.