Ourcrazymodern?]Manorfire, I've always told the offspring that we make our own paths through this life. I'm still wondering what the alternative to capitalism might be, though, given the world's hungry embrace of it?
As the world has become more technological it seems to have become more splintered and more integrated at the same time. I see the younger people struggling to make sense of it all, and the older ones even more so!
...I sometimes feel like I need a special needs teacher, josie.

Yeah, me too. It'd be nice to feel your needs (whatever they are) specially addressed by someone who cares and is familiar with your specific issues, wouldn't it?
Part of education has always been to socialize(indoctrinate)the young, right?
Enlightenment might be a personal responsibility.
I hadn't thought about it like that - but you're right-that's true. Maybe that's why the education bit has gotten so strained and rote-because schools have definitely had to add other "responsibilities" to their daily agendas that used to be the province of the family or the individual.
I remember it was the exception and not the rule that anyone was supposed to receive personal enlightenment from a teacher. Teachers were just supposed to tell me what they knew about chemistry or algebra, first and foremose- and if they did this, they were considered to have done their job. I was supposed to get my other needs met other places. The whole concept of what a school is supposed to do has changed.