Well when JS and I first started having sex it was pretty frequent...
He lost alot of his drive for it when school was stressing him out, bummer for me, I'm always up for sex with him no matter what time. I sometimes feel like I'm asking too much as I initiate alot of the time. Although with the loss of sex drive we still got it on pretty decent amount of times, I'd say maybe 4 to 5 times a week.
Since leaving for break we've both been consistently re-iterating how much we want eachother. Hopefully his drive will return with full force for the spring. I am hoping we'll get to much more this semester. I can't help it I just always want to jump his bones when we're together. Can never get enough. He's just so good in bed.
Part of me thinks my sex drive might be a little higher though...*shrug*
It's important to me.
When I stress I want more closeness to feel comforted
Last edited by surferlove007; 12-30-2006 at 07:00 PM..