Saw this terrific documentary finally, created by Al Gore (as the host) and I have to say that it is the
most important movie I have seen in many years. As a documentary on the Earth's climate crisis, I expected to be bored & skeptical. Not so! The scientific data is astounding and the graphics were stunning. What an eye-opener to the the myths and misconceptions that we, the public, have been "fed" over the last twenty years.
Doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or a Republican any more.
The data doesn't lie. Sure, Al Gore can be a bit dry...but in this movie he really grabs you with wit, humor and an openess that few may have seen in him before.
Global warming is here & real and we must take heed to a "greener" way of life or our kids will be paying the price in unmeasurable ways in 25 - maybe just 10 years. Low carbon or no carbon...