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Old 12-27-2006, 09:33 PM   #22 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Telluride
Which law is "absurd"? Having a border?
Strawman much? I like the ideas of having borders. I don't like the idea of making people not born in America study for some stupid test that 98% of Americans can't pass, only to have to wait and probably be turned down. I think it's hypocritical to require that foriegners work very hard in America to earn their stay, and the former camptian of my HS football team, Lance, has been on welfare and unemployment and hasn't worked in 8 months. What would be fair is to require that they pass every test that we pass to do what we do. Require them to speak english in order to work with customers. Require them to have the training necessary to do the job they wish to do.
Originally Posted by Telluride
Nice try. I asked Infinite_Loser to cite the law that European settlers violated by stepping ashore, since he seemed to be comparing them to illegal aliens. I didn't ask for a list of bad things some settlers did AFTER they got here.
Nice try indeed.

The land now known as the United States of America was occupied, legally under Native American Law, by many civilizations. We settled on land that didn't belong to us, and we stole the land in doing so. Just because they were forgiving at first doesn't mean that we weren't here illegally. Just because a police officer doesn't write you a ticket doesn't mean that you weren't speeding. Also, it was AFTER the europeans got here that they could have committed an offence equal to what people think illegal immigrints. Mexican citizens aren't breaking the law until they get to the US, not before hand.
Originally Posted by Telluride
So you want open borders? And there are benfits to keeping immigrants out. The environment, for one. More people require more housing, schools, etc. More housing, schools, etc. mean that rural areas eventually become towns and cities.
We should strongly request that all members of our society are contributing to the whole. The fact that these people can be responsible and functional members of our society should mean that they have as much right to be here as anyone else. I'm not saying open the borders completly, as that would mean we'd lose virtually all security. I'm saying that if these people can be a boon to our society, they should be allowed to share in our success. America, as has been said a million and one times, is strengthened by our diversity. With more points of view comes more options and more perspective. If we force these people out, we do so to our own detriment.
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