Being new to this forum, I'm not sure what the protocol is, so if I step on some toes here, please forgive me, but what you said Ratbastid brought up some questions in my mind. Especially this:
Even more importantly, happiness has nothing to do with your circumstances. If you are dependent on having just the right circumstances to make you happy, then you're never actually happy, because there's always the fear that the circumstances will change and take your happiness away.
I see what you're saying, as in you'd not be totally in the moment (maybe), but worrying about when and if it might end, but then that would mean that happiness would be either fairly constant or not exist at all for certain people. It seems like you see it as a state of being that cannot be affected by outside forces. I think I'm a fairly happy person, but situations definitely come and go that affect my happiness. It's not at all constant.
*The other thing I realized is that the three specific things I listed that make me happy are also the very same things that can make me
unhappy depending on the moment in time and the specific person, music or activity.
So what is happiness? Happiness is knowing and being and living that what is happening right now is what is happening right now, and that the reason things are the way they are is because that is the way they are. Happiness is giving up whys and becauses and in-order-tos.
I'd call that acceptance. I think of happiness as being a step beyond this.
How do you get to that place? Not by trying to get there, I'll tell you that much!
Do you think you can make a decision to be more open to happiness though?